Digital Artifact

Hi! My name is Sam.

I’ve been doing photography for just under two years now. The type of photography I enjoy is automotive photography. For my digital artifact, I will be continuing my progress with my socials in the automotive world.

Along with an Instagram, I created a TikTok to help benefit my Instagram following. Through some trials with TikTok, I have found that the user reach is far greater than Instagram, enabling more viewers to interact and respond with my content resulting in page growth.

The reason I chose to continue this project is because I have a strong interest, a passion, in photography and cars. So why not join both and include a third element I love, social media influence. I love having a social media influence because it means that you’ve created something that other people view, other people in the world view your content and interact with what you’ve made. There’s just something special in that for me, people seeing my content worldwide.

Now what do I want from this project? To start off, my main goal for Instagram has been to acheive the 1,000 follower mark. So hopefully with determination and hard-work, and that my class is literally about growing my social presence, I can achieve that goal with only around 250 to go. But along with that I hope to be able to set up photoshoots with clients and customers to grow something outside of Instagram. This whole Instagram thing is almost a portfolio to show people that I can take photos of cars, and I can do it for them! I just absolutely love to take photos of cars and this would be the end goal, a automotive photographer for a big car brand.

4-9-2021 Update!

I thought it might be appropriate to update this blog post, to just update where I’m at before the Online Presence 1 is due. Overall I’ve continued to post fairly consistently on my Instagram and TikTok, only gaining around 10 followers on Instagram, which normally is considered a failure to me, but with COVID, my move to Alice Springs and a whole lot of other life involvements I don’t take it too harsh. Throughout my time on Instagram I’ve noticed older posts or photos that aren’t recent don’t do as well as newer content but with COVID I’m not able to get any new content. Although I had a great run of posts before I had to move to Alice Springs which was extremely successful with around 6 photos getting over 50 likes in a row!

Regarding TikTok, I’ve gained around 80 followers which is considered a success for me because I’m really only using TikTok to maximize my reach and get more followers by promoting my Instagram on every TikTok video. TikTok is very on and off, sometimes you get views, sometimes you don’t almost like a luck of the draw. But I think with more consistent use I can figure out the algorithm further and develop my content to adapt to the algorithm.

But in terms of fail early and fail often, I’ve definitely failed with my most recent Instagram posts not even achieveing the 50 like mark which is considered a fail to me. In terms of TikTok I uploaded a video that got 90 views which is horrible for TikTok considering my average would be around 1000 views.

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