Photo of the Sydney Skyline, taken by Sam Vesper


115 Teaser Project

Report Samuel Vesper In my 30 second ‘teaser’ of my video project <;, I utilized the videos I managed to take in Alice Springs. Although I wasn’t born there, born in America, it has quickly turned into where I call home. Living up there for half a year has led me to many different special…

Final Digital Artefact Blog!

Well, thanks to the heat in Central Australia, my drone and camera overheated so I can’t make a video for this final project anymore! I managed to get the intro to the video done before the overheating happened so I’ll put that TikTok below! Learning Moments I’d say my DA can be split into two…

Failure Fears

Ahhhh, my DA! My DA that I haven’t posted for in who knows how long.. Well, at this point failure is as close as it will ever get as I haven’t posted in a long while due to lack of time and lack of motivation. 2 weeks was the last time I’ve posted, meaning I’ve…